You have arrived old Kawauso works' download section.
New download section is HERE!

Before proceeding, please read the sentence below.

Legal Stuff

All the software provided here is freeware but not in the public domain. Being freeware does not mean it is free to do anything (redistribute ,modify, sell etc.) without prior consent of the author. It is copyright protected under Japanese domestic copyright law, and it is still protected outside Japan. Copyright laws applying in one country DO apply in another country. If you are unsure, check the BERNE CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS.

Note, "copyright" here means a kind of embodiment of manners or rules which can be commonly accepted but can not be expressed by words. We neither mean to instantly bring you to legal actions nor that we prevent you to do repainting and tweaking based on our work. We believe there are general rules and all we flight-sim funs should always respect the authors intention.

You may use it free of charge under the following conditions:

  1. You may not redistribute the Zip archive in any manners.

  2. You may not upload the software package to any server computers or equivalents to make it publicly downloadable.

  3. You may not modify, add or delete any of the file(s) included in the software package. 

  4. You may not profit from the software.

  5. You may not put direct links from your homepage (if you have one) to the Zip archives reside in our homepage.

  6. Use the software at your own risk.

We prepared a small Q&A section based on the requests we have had so far. This may be easier to understand our idea.

Repaintngs and tweakings are commonly practiced in FS community and we support it 100%. But we wish you to ask before you do any reworks on our jobs.

The basic idea of above:

"We wish our pieces of work stays as freeware but, at the same time, we wish our site to be unique in the internet. We whish you to handle our work with respect and proper manner."

If you agree with above conditions, please proceed by clicking "I agree" below. At the moment you proceed to the Kawauso Hanger section, you are regarded as agreed.


Following pages are originally provided for ex-Kawauso Works home page. Contents may be obsolete for now. Also, above conditions were originally given 4 years ago and may not suit well now.